Therapeutic Hypnosis


Imagen de persona joven con transtorno de ansiedad en sesión de hipnosis terapéutica.
Young person with anxiety in a therapeutic hypnosis session talking to the specialist.
M. R
M. RAppointment booked on Doctoralia
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In our first visit we have had very good feelings, the treatment has been very good and sure that the treatment will work with more visits.
César Adrada González
César Adrada GonzálezSeptember 10, 2020
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I have been treating myself with Jaime for more than 1 year and I can say that I would not go to anyone else, 10 out of 10, highly recommended.
Karen Márquez
Karen MarquezOctober 8, 2020
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I have been taking therapy for more than four months with Jaime, I have seen very positive and significant changes in my life, he has helped me a lot to reduce my anxiety attacks and to discover the why of many thoughts and actions in order to eliminate or change them, I highly recommend him.
Karen Márquez
Karen MarquezSeptember 8, 2020
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His professionalism is unquestionable, but what I really met behind this professional is a great human being, with a special vocation. He gave me peace of mind from the first consultation and the therapy was very effective. He knows how to find the starting point. I totally recommend him.
T.G.September 25, 2020
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I have been there for about 6 months and I am very happy. I have been to several therapists in my life (I have BPD, ADD, panic attacks ...) and without a doubt one of the best! Very effective advice in your day to day life. He is a very close person and you feel comfortable talking to him. Thank you Jaime

Table of contents

Therapeutic hypnosis or clinical hypnosis is a technique used to treat various emotional or health inducing a state of deep relaxation and concentration in which the patient's subconscious can be accessed and his or her thought and behavior patterns can be modified. During a hypnosis session, most people feel relaxed and calm.. In general, this state contributes to the individual's greater willingness to receive suggestions for behavioral changes.

Although, while the patient will be more willing to receive suggestions during hypnosis, you will never lose control of your behavior during a session..

Why is therapeutic hypnosis performed and what is it useful for?

Therapeutic hypnosis is performed for the purpose of helping the patient to overcome difficulties that cause discomfort or sufferingand that you cannot control of your own free will. It is usually a very effective way to deal with stress and anxiety. In particular, can help reduce these levels of distress before a medical procedure or surgery.such as a biopsy or major surgery.

Some of the pathologies that can be worked with hypnosis are:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Phobias and fears
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress
  • Duel
  • Eating disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Painless delivery
  • Pain control
  • Stress management
  • Increased self-confidence

Therapeutic hypnosis is useful because it allows us to get to the deep root and origin of problems or illnesses, and to change the beliefs, emotions and behaviors that maintain them. In addition, hypnosis facilitates the development of one's own resources and abilities to cope with difficult situationsand provides great mental and physical relaxation.

What are the risks or harmful reactions?

Therapeutic hypnosis performed by a trained psychology professional. is a natural and safe therapywhich, as a general rule, has no side effects or contraindications in healthy people. The patient always maintains his will and consciousness during the session.You can interrupt it at any time if you wish. The therapist cannot make you do anything that goes against your principles or values..

Some people may experience intense emotional reactions during or after the session, such as crying, laughter, anguish or euphoria. These reactions are normal and are part of the therapeutic process, as they indicate that a change is taking place at the subconscious level. The therapist will accompany the patient at all times and help him/her manage these emotions..

Harmful reactions to hypnosis therapy are rare, but may include the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Headache.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Anxiety or emotional distress.

How to prepare for a therapeutic hypnosis session?

No specific preparation is required for therapeutic hypnosis. It may be a good idea to wear comfortable clothes and shoes to help us relax. Getting enough rest beforehand can also help us not to fall asleep during the session due to the relaxation we will experience.

In general, to prepare for a therapeutic hypnosis session, it is recommended to follow these guidelines :

  • Choose a qualified and trustworthy therapist who is experienced in the subject to be treated and who clearly explains the procedure and the objectives of the therapy.
  • Attend the session with a positive, open and collaborative attitude, willing to actively participate in the process.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol, drugs or medications that may alter the state of consciousness before the session.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and remove any metallic or electronic objects that may interfere with relaxation.
  • Ensure that physiological needs are met before the session (eating, drinking, toileting).
  • Choose a calm, quiet and undistracted place to conduct the session.

What to expect from a clinical hypnosis session?

Therapeutic hypnosis, as we have already mentioned, is a technique that consists of inducing the patient to a state of deep relaxation and concentration, in which his subconscious can be accessed and the beliefs or habits that cause him discomfort or limit his well-being can be modified.

Therapeutic hypnosis is not a state of sleep or loss of control.but quite the opposite: patient is conscious and alert at all times, and can decide whether to accept or reject the therapist's suggestions. The therapist acts only as a guide or facilitator.and cannot make the patient do anything that goes against his or her will or values.

Therapeutic hypnosis has multiple applications and benefits for physical and mental health.. It can be used to treat problems such as anxiety, depression, stress, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, chronic pain, sleep disorders, eating disorders, grief, lack of confidence or tobacco addiction, among others.

A therapeutic hypnosis session usually lasts between 45 and 90 minutes.depending on the case and the objective to be worked on. The number of sessions needed varies depending on the patient and the difficulty of the problem, but in general, it is a fast and effective method, which usually produces results in just a few sessions..

Therapeutic hypnosis is a powerful tool for personal change, allowing the patient to free himself from the chains of the past, empower his inner resources and achieve his goals. If you want to know more about this technique or try its benefits, please do not hesitate to contact us..


The results of therapeutic hypnosis depend on several factorsThe most important factors to consider are the patient's motivation, the relationship with the therapist, the ability to achieve a state of deep relaxation, and the frequency of sessions. Some studies have shown that therapeutic hypnosis may be more effective than other forms of psychotherapy for some cases, especially when combined with other cognitive and behavioral techniques. Therapeutic hypnosis can also have long-term benefits.since can teach the patient to use relaxation as a self-help tool..

However, it may not be suitable for everyone. Not all people are able to enter a state of relaxation or trance. that is deep enough to be effective. Typically, the more quickly and easily individuals reach a state of relaxation and calmness during a session, the more likely they are to benefit from hypnosis.

Therapeutic hypnosis is a safe and ethical practice. when performed by qualified professionals and with the patient's informed consent. It is not a magic method nor of mind control, but of a way to enhance the patient's inner resources to achieve their therapeutic objectives.

Clinical studies

Clinical hypnosis, as technique using hypnotic suggestion to facilitate therapeutic change in people suffering from psychological, emotional or psychosomatic problems, it is not a pseudotherapy, but rather a is backed by numerous scientific studies that have demonstrated its efficacy. and validity in different areas of application.

Some of the areas in which therapeutic hypnosis has shown its usefulness are:

  • Enhancing cognitive-behavioral therapy by facilitating cognitive restructuring, exposure and skills training.
  • Management of anxiety and emotional distress by helping relaxation, emotional regulation and positive coping.
  • Depression, by promoting behavioral activation, increased self-esteem and reduction of negative thoughts.
  • Acute and chronic pain, by reducing pain perception, increasing pain threshold and improving quality of life.
  • Management of adverse effects of chemotherapy, by reducing nausea, vomiting and anxiety associated with treatment.
  • Management of anxiety and pain in invasive medical procedures by providing hypnotic analgesia, anesthesia and sedation.
  • Psychosomatic disorders, by improving the functioning of the immune system and the control of somatic symptoms.
  • Gastrointestinal problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, by regulating intestinal transit and reducing abdominal discomfort.
  • Sleep disorders, such as insomnia, by facilitating sleep onset and maintenance and improving sleep hygiene.
  • Acute and post-traumatic stress, by promoting desensitization and reprocessing of traumatic memories.
  • Dissociative and conversive disorders, by facilitating the integration of dissociated parts and the recovery of lost functions.

These are just a few of the applications of clinical or therapeutic hypnosis, which are based on scientific evidence obtained from randomized controlled clinical trials. and meta-analysis studies . Clinical hypnosis is a safe, effective and versatile technique. that can complement other psychological or medical interventions. If you want to know more about therapeutic hypnosis or consult if it is suitable for your case, you can contact us and Jaíme Corbacho will guide you and inform you about its benefits and possible contraindications..

If you prefer to find out a little more on your own, you can consult the following clinical studies to contrast the information obtained on our website:

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